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Class 1 - Exercising and Eating for Your Baby

Class 2 - Pregnancy

                The Labor Process

Class 3 - Helping a Woman in Labor

                What Are My Options?

Class 4 - Delivery

                Writing Your Birth Plan

Class 5 - What's Normal in Labor?

                Dealing with Possible Emergencies

Class 6 - More on Labor 

Class 7 - Putting it All Together & Induction

Class 8 - Newborns! and Postpartum

Mom: My first childbirth story involved a waterfall of medical interventions which ultimately led to a groggy mother and baby and a very slow and painful recovery.  During my second pregnancy, I wanted to bring my baby into the world in the least traumatic way possible so I decided to take [Paula's] course.  [It] gave me the knowledge and confidence to allow my body to do what it was designed to do, naturally.  The labor process, although still painful, was manageable because of and a (my husband). ~Liz


Dad: [These] classes taught me how to be not only a good childbirth coach but an educated father with the skills, knowledge and confidence to help ensure our childbirth was a good experience; and it was.  We were able to recognize every stage of the labor process and knew what to expect.  The classes provided me with the confidence to not just be at Liz's side, but to provide her with the support needed to assist her through the process.  The best part of the experience was when Liz said within five minutes of having our 10 lb. 3 oz. baby, "I would do this naturally again in a heartbeat." ~Michael


We like to keep our classes small (4-6 couples) so that we can give you plenty of individual attention.  Over the course of 8 weeks, we'll equip you with information about nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, exercise, labor and birth, relaxation practice, labor rehearsals, birth plans, training for the husband-coach, newborn care and more!


By the end of our course, you will understand the birth process and know your options during pregnancy, labor and birth, so that you can confidently make wise, informed decisions that will affect your health and your baby's health for a lifetime.  


In our classes, you'll learn about the process of labor.  We'll teach you what to expect in a normal birth situation, how to avoid unnecessary pain, and how to manage the normal sensations of childbirth. 


We'll also cover curve balls that might be thrown at you during  labor, variations of normal, and some true emergencies, and we'll discuss how to deal with those so you can make the best decisions for you and your child.


Class tends to run 2 to 2-1/2 hours.  We charge $250 for the eight-week series, and we meet near the Manhattan, KS, airport. 


Our next series starts on

Thursday, February 13, 2025,

and will run for eight weeks.


For more information or to

sign up for our next series,

Contact Us or call me at


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